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mentha spicata造句

"mentha spicata"是什么意思  
  • Essentail oils . oil of spearmint mentha spicata linnaeus
  • Spices and condiments . dried mint mentha spicata linnaeus syn mentha viridis linnaeus . specification
  • Abstract : the biological control effect on fruit tree insects and eco - economic benefit of interplanting mentha spicata with orchard was studied and analysed based on field polt experiment . the result shows : interplanting mentha spicata with orchard have obviously biological control effect on fruit tree insects like phyuoenistis eitrella stainton , papilio xuthus l , phyllocoptruta oleivora ashmead and myzus perieas sulzer ect , interphanting mentha spicata with slope orchard could reduce soil and water losses , and improve soil physical - chemistry property effectively , its also accelerate fruit tree growth and increase the yield of fruit tree , and has good economic benefit
  • It's difficult to see mentha spicata in a sentence. 用mentha spicata造句挺难的
如何用mentha spicata造句,用mentha spicata造句mentha spicata in a sentence, 用mentha spicata造句和mentha spicata的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。